Polyester yarn for composer use: Our product adopts raw material of『one-ply』of『industry use』to process that its tensile strength is strong and to be hooked probability very low. In operation, it can reduce machine to be stopped due to yarn to be cut off and to improve production efficiency. Consumptionof hot melt glue is very low and yarn is stuck on core veneer more smooth not obvious to be able to improve grade of products. In addition, quality of Glue Yarn is very steady and excellent that customers are long-term fixed purchase & use. Besides, we can provide Hot Melt Glue、Gum Tape、carbon brush article and spare parts & materials of various kinds of hardware & plastic too.
併板機用多元酯絲(Polyester Yarn)產:本公司所生 產的併板機用多元酯絲(Polyester Yarn)產品,係採用『工業用』『單股』原料加工 而製成的產品,拉力強、鉤紗機率低,可降低機械於運轉中因斷紗、鉤紗而停機 之機率低,提高機械產能。又!熱溶膠的消耗低,紗線貼黏在中板上後的凸痕較 平而不明顯,可提昇合板的等級。另!膠絲線(Glue Yarn)產品,品質甚為穩定、 優良,而被客戶長期的固定購用。 此外;熱溶膠 (Hot Melt Glue)、紙膠帶、碳刷 品,及各種五金、塑膠等等材質的零件等物料,皆可提供。

4吋儀器孔位電木活動輪/ 荷重:300kg/ 材質:獨特布質纖維配方電木腳輪,高耐溫、高耐磨、高荷重/ 腳架:一體成型;表面鍍鋅