Our company is formal authorized distributor most for most of manufacturers of Japanese plywood machinery, can act for them to quote、sell machinery and their parts、accessories & materials. The products have: Log Charger、Veneer Lathe、Arist-Lathe、Veneer Reeling & Unreeling System、Veneer Roller Dryer、Air Clipper、Veneer Composer、Glue Spreader、Clod Press、HotPress、DoubleSaw、Sander、DryAbrasive Cleaning System、Slicer、Thick Measuring & Delamination Detecting Machine、Finger Jointer Equipment、Knife Grinder、various kinds of Curved Surface Sanding Robot and Woodworking machinery、Blades & Knives of different uses, and their parts & agency、sale of used machine etc
In Taiwan our company has a relationship of OEM & agent with plywood machinery factories and can provide: Log Charger、Green Veneer Clipper、Stacker、feeder、Dryer、Clipper、Veneer Core & Back Composer and Veneer Long Core Composer、Glue Spreader、Cold Press、Hot Press、Double Saw、Sander、Slicer、Finger Jointer、Wood Chip Silo、Shredder、Dust Collecting and Conveyor System etc. various machinery and their accessories & spare parts. We can recondition existing machinery for you.
公司擁有日本多數合板機械製造商的正式授權代理商,可代 理報價、銷售該公司的機械及零、配件以及物料。 產品有:原木對芯機、鉋台、小 徑木用鉋台、單板卷收架、單板自動送板機、乾燥機、裁剪機、併板機、佈膠機、 冷 壓機、熱壓機、裁邊機、砂光機、砂紙清洗機、平切機、合板品質檢測機、指接 機、磨刀機、各種製材機械與木工機 械,以及各種用途的刃物等,等等產品的機械 、零件,及中古機械仲介買賣。